Monday 3 October 2011

childrens film opening sequences WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE

At the beginning of this sequence children's drawings are shown over the top of the credits which sets the genre as a children's film. Non-diegetic music is the first thing you hear and this sets the tone; the music sounded slightly eerie, which suggested uncertainty of what you were going to see during the film. The music cut out while the action began and then started again at the end of this part. Sharp camera angles with fast movement were used during the action part. The clothes the characters were wearing established the time period straight away as being quite recent. The way one of the characters was wearing bright clothes against the white snow showed that he was probably going to be the main character and he also looked isolated. The pace kept changing throughout this sequence and this added to the uncertainty about what was going to happen. When more action started to happen there were shots from over the characters shoulders and from their point of view. A close up of a characters face at the end of this sequence while he was showing emotion created tension and set the mood.

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