Monday 7 November 2011

Children's Film Opening Sequence Evaluation Questions

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
*Our genre of film is fantasy therefore we used techniques such as animation and a make believe story line to create the element of fantasy in our opening sequence.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
*Overall our opening sequence did not really represent any particular social groups as we only had one person in the film. We did show the a stereotypical character of a granny reading a story book for children sitting in a chair.

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
*A cinema would distribute our opening to a children's film because it is a typical children's film and does not show anything offensive or controversial. It would be suitable for all audiences and we think it shows the type of thing children would find entertaining.

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
*Our media product is aimed at children aged 2-7years. It is easy to understand and is a child friendly story line.

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?
*We used the fantasy element at the very beginning of the film where the books moved by themselves which would capture a child's imagination. It would also make them want to continue watching where they would see a children's story book which would confirm that this was going to be a children's film.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
*We have learnt a lot about how to edit in final cut express and how to make music using garage band. We also had a lot of practice using film cameras and stop motion.

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
*We feel we have learnt a lot about different types of editing and various ways in which to speed up or slow down clips in order to make them run smoothly. We have become more confident when using various editing programmes and feel we have progressed a lot from our preliminary task.

final film

Friday 4 November 2011

Review of filming process

1.Throughout the process of making our children's film we enjoyed the different tasks we got to do and had many successes in making our film. But we also faced many hurdles to over come. Such as; when we forgot where we had saved the different pieces of filming and stills and had to spend a while finding them again. Locations where we wanted to film were unavailable therefore we had to make a "make-shift" set in another location to film our opening sequence. This proved to be difficult and time consuming, but we were pleased with the overall sequence. Success' that we had with making the children's film were; we are pleased with how our film fitted together and how the two different types of filming came together and flowed on from one another. Also we all had the correct props that we needed to use and they worked well with our genre of filming.

2.When planning our film we discussed the different editing options and came to the conclusion that we could use stop motion filming, normal filming and stills and edit them all together on final cut express. These were good types of filming to use for our story line of our film. Once we had finished filming and uploaded our sequences, we decided to speed up the amount of time for each still so that they flowed together. We also slowed down our normal filming pieces to create more emphasis on each scene. We discussed together which types of music would go best with our film, we looked on youtube for inspiration, and then put the sound in at the end of editing process.

3. The only thing left to do on our opening sequence is to place in the opening credits and the title of the film. We are going to do this once we have finished the sound editing.

Overall we are very pleased with how our opening of a children's film ha turned out. We feel we have achieved our aims and managed to do a lot of work in a short period of time. We worked well together as a group and cooperated well when making decisions. We are all happy with the finished product, and have enjoyed this task.
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